First Christian Church, sponsor of the Rallye in the Park which includes, the Rallye66 Benefit Car Show and the Rallye66 Benefit 5K, is very excited and honored to partner with Peterson Outdoor Ministries as the benefit for 2015. Peterson Outdoors Ministries was established in 2006 and is a faith based 501(c)3 who provides Outdoor Recreational Therapy to Wounded Combat Veterans and their families as well as youth and adults with disabilities or terminal illness.
At the Peterson Outdoors Ministries events they have faith based inspirational messages by local & nationally know speakers, family style meals, entertainment and music as well as surprise visits from outdoor celebrities! The men and women of POM are doing incredible work with our nations veterans and their families helping them navigate the difficult journeys that their service to our nation has caused in their lives.
Our goal is to raise the necessary funds to bring several soldiers and their families to the Fall 2015 Hunting event. We hope to accomplish this through the Rallye66 Benefit Car Show, a Benefit 5K the morning of the event and a silent auction during the Rallye66 Show as well as through private donations to this cause. The men and women who benefit deserve our help and attention for all they’ve sacrificed for us.
If you would like to donate items for the auction or help in any way at the event please contact Jude Champagne at First Christian Church, 417 358 4044.